Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell
Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell

Dear Education for Climate friends,

I am searching for partners to apply to this Erasmus + Call:…

Teachers interested in AI experimentation in Kindergarten levels are very welcome. Deadline application June 6th.

I would like to create an AI Kindergarten training center for teachers of this level.

The core concept of the application is to create a kind of hybrid experimental Artificial Intelligence Kita to train teachers of this level in the use of this technology by approaching it in a critical-thinking way. It is not a curriculum-building project but a capacity-building project to indentify through real research scenarios what kind of skills (not only technical but also "soft" skills) are needed to work in these levels with this technology in a critical, creative, social, and environmentally responsible way.

Even the specific areas of work remain to be defined some potential ones could be:

- KI and children's creativity
- KI and long-life skills acquisition
- KI and language skills learning
- KI and learning by playing
- KI connected with local communities to support and care for them
- KI and children's engagement in democracy

As you perfectly know there is a big gap on the educative levels about this topic. Providing quality guidance to teachers can be very beneficial and important for them. The majority of the projects that work with this technology are focused on High School and Primary School levels. However, the Preschool level is still something that needs to be considered seriously and prioritized because is deeply affecting their professionals. This call could be a good opportunity to create a safe and quality space to acquire the AI competencies that nowadays are urgently in demand.

Contact me here or with a DM to:

Looking forward to hear you soon.



Valeria NAPOLI

Valeria NAPOLI
Valeria NAPOLI

Dear Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell nice initiative!
Tremeur DENIGOT maybe this can be shared in the following community bulletin (although a bit tight)

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