The Coalition at a glance
The Education for Climate Community at a Glance.
The Education for Climate Coalition Community welcomes more than 9000 members.
3000 climate educators, practitioners and students
2000 climate education stakeholders
800 administrations
475 EU science-for-policy officers
Since 2021, the community has been a major driver for climate education ideas and actions.
over 8000 contributions
... with more than 5500 Community Bulletin recipients
more than 400 events hosted by members
... with more than 7000 people who enrolled to events at least once on the platform
over 9000 likes
... and more than 3000 members who filled their profile
activities hosted in 95 challenge and country groups
... and more than 6000 members who are part of such a group
knowledge and practice curated in more than 130 pages
... with an extensive searchable taxonomy