Mesota goes Green!

Ana-Maria Csiki
Ana-Maria Csiki • 24 September 2022

Mesota goes Green is a project that span from April to June 2022 ,  whose aim was to raise awareness among local community regarding the importance of climate education, eco-friendly routines and proactive attitudes. Students, teachers, parents from "Dr.Ioan Meșotă" National College and "Petru Rareș" Highschool as well as local organisations actively participated in the activities which revolved around several objectives.

  • Students take the teacher's spot-High-school students from Mesota College prepared lessons about the carbon footprint as well as ways of reducing it. The lessons were carried out among the lower secondary classes and comprised interactive tasks, games, debates as well as the task of creating our school's carbon footprint via a survey.  Another lesson centred on biodiversity was delivered by the 4th graders of our  partner school, "Petru Rares". Our younger friends taught us about the species of birds that can be found in the local areas ,while the seniors built bird-houses for both school yards.
  •  Recycling and reusing-Paper, wood, plastic, metal were some of the materials that were given a new 'life' and purpose. Students created decorative objects that they used to brighten up their classroom, pieces of jewellery, toys, class mascots, bookmarks etc, by using recycled materials found in the separate bins. Also, our partner school recycled 250 kg of paper and brought it to the local recycling centre.
  • Sustainable diet-Grade 10 students spent their spring holiday researching the advantages of such a diet, coming up with recipes and preparing a one-week menu for their families which included only plant-based dishes. All their recipes were collected in an e-book.
  • Walking challenge-In order to encourage a healthy, eco-friendly lifestyle, grade 11 set a one-day walking challenge that encouraged all students of our college to give up public means of transportation and simply walk for an entire day. We wanted to find the best 'walker' and the competition was quite tight: the winner managed to cover a distance of 68 km, 109.000 steps.
  • Planting campaign-Our college is situated in an extremely crowded area, the level of air and noise pollution being quite alarming due to the heavy traffic. Therefore, students from several grades planted flowers, bushes and trees in our school yard in order to strengthen the 'green barrier' that surrounds our school.
  • Green Fair- All the objects created by students were exhibited and sold in a school fair. All the money that we raised was donated to wwf Romania to help endangered species (we 'adopted' several animals that are almost extinct due to climate change and human actions).Students, teachers, parents also donated and collected items of clothing, books, toys which were donated to needy families from the area.

Even though the project lasted a few months, the impact it has had on our community is a long lasting and visible one. According to the feedback received, participants felt they were actively involved in making a positive change and developing healthy attitudes and habits.Students were amazed by the  magnitude of their actions and have continued to take stance by setting up an Eco Club in our college. Additionally, our project won second prize in the Climate Action in Education 2022 competition  organised by the British Council and the British Embassy.

Here are some highlights:

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