GreenComp café - ESD rubric #1

Valeria NAPOLI
Valeria NAPOLI

Once again we are here for one of our community cafés focusing using the GreenComp Framework!

The Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the European Schools have worked together on developing an evaluation rubric that will support school management and teachers bring the GreenComp framework in their innovation management processes. The rubric helps schools rank and select innovation projects based on the their compatibility with the GreenComp framework and the expressed EU Education policy priorities.

This is the first in a series of two co-creation workshops that will support the validation of this rubric. In this café we will utilise interactive tools to ensure the identified criteria of the rubric provide a well-rounded evaluation tool and we will also review in detail the indicators and scoring methodology of some of the identified criteria. In the meantime, we will attempt to identify opportunities for simplification of the tool, identify potential gaps, receive usability remarks and ideas for adaptations.


Join Vasiliki and François on February 14th at 17.00 CET in this interactive café!


Disclaimer: This event will be recorded for data collection purposes. Any publications will not include personal data that could lead to the identification of the participants. Access to the collected data will be granted only to the Education for Climate Coalition Secretariat, to the University VUB and to the European Schools. 

Comments (6)

Ada Lungu
Ada Lungu

Hi! I had registered for the meeting but something came up and I won't be able to make it. I remain very interested in the results of the discussions and in the following events.

Vasiliki Katsikerou
Vasiliki Katsikerou

Hi Ada, I am sorry you cannot make it. I will follow up updating the community with what was discussed. You can still participate in the next workshop. I hope I see you then!

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