GreenComp café - Let's talk about assessment tools

valeria napoli
valeria napoli

Once again, we are organising a GreenComp café to work together around the European sustainability competence framework!


This café will resume the conversation started during the first annual gathering of the GreenComp community around assessment tools. It is now time to meet and reflect on the suggestions raised during the café and move forward as a community. 

As usual, this is still the time for new GreenComp community members to get to know the rest of the community; and of experienced members to join and engage with your peers. Please comment here if you would like to suggest any topic of discussion parallel to the suggested discussions and we will make sure to dedicate time to tackle it. 

Comments (3)


Hello from Paris. I look forward to our afternoon café later today. Thank you for organizing this.

If we address the issue of external vs. internal tools for assessing student learning around GreenComp skill sets, I’ll be happy to say a few words about Sulitest and “TASK—The Assessment of Sustainability Knowledge,” an external online psychometric test of sustainability knowledge designed for Higher Education and premised upon mainstreaming sustainability literacy across the globe. TASK assesses knowledge across three frameworks: Earth Systems (Planetary Boundaries), Human Welfare (the SDGs and Doughnut Economics), and Levers of action-based Opportunities for implementing solutions (UN GSDR-2019—Science for Achieving Sustainable Development).

This tool should be of interest to this community given the intentional and significant alignment between the GreenComp Learning Statements and TASK content and assessment items, particularly in the domain of Knowledge.

FYI, TASK is the subject of one of many GreenComp case studies in good practice about to be published this month by the European Commission and affiliated Technopolis research team. Watch this space!

Kind regards, Scott

valeria napoli
valeria napoli

Dear Scott,
Thank you! Today we are going to talk about learning scenarios. However, you will have time to talk about the TASK during next café in June.

I will also like to mention that during that meeting, I would be happy to hear from all of you and your initiatives; and possibly discuss what we can do as a community around assessment.


Anita McKeown
Anita McKeown

Hi Everyone, Looking forward to connecting with everyone and hearing more. We are based in Ireland and have developed 10 programmes for post primary, which we have aligned to a number of matrices. These will also be linked to a merger of 4 previous organisations to offer a new support service for teachers and school leaders, funded by the Department of Education. We are developing a legend to further align to green comp and keen to look at all aspects from delivery to assessment, within our national system.

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