Level: For Intermediate Setting: Format Format: Online, In-person and Hybrid Subjects: Art and Design, Sustainability and ICT |
The Erasmus+ ARDES project developed and validated a short learning program (SLP) for higher education about Art, Design & Sustainability.
What’s different about this course?
- It’s a free course created by artists, designers and environmentalists.
- It’s a modular and flexible course that is easily adaptable to different levels of students (it was tested with Bachelor, Masters’ and PhD students).
- It’s easily adaptable to other educational levels, such as secondary schools.
- It uses the GreenComp framework for assessment of competences.
- It combines theoretical knowledge about climate change, the power of art and design as a communication tool, and the use of digital tools.
- You can choose what activities to use, depending on your students.
- It can be taught online or face-to-face.
- Artists, teachers and students really liked it!
The open-access course was peer-reviewed by experts in the fields of design and environmentalism, and it was successfully validated in a project pilot with more than 130 students and 10 teachers.
It is available in English, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese and Catalan, and a sample of student work can be seen in the ARDES online exhibition on the project website http://ardesproject.eu
This 2-year project is a partnership of MyDocumenta (Coordinator, Spain), European University Cyprus, Universidade Aberta (Portugal) and EINA (Spain).
Dear Mirjam HILLENIUS ,
Congratulations on such an interesting project! I had the pleasure to read your full submission, including your survey, and it is an inspiring learning scenario. As explained in the call page and in the survey, I have now proceeded to curate your post to include all the relevant tags. However, I believe that the community would benefit from learning more about your methodology, subjects involved in the project, and a more detailed explanation of the learning scenario.
Would you mind editing your blog post adding this information for the rest of the community?
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