We are happy to publish the material to play the The GreenComp Game: Sustainability conversations!
This is a community material that you can use within your educational settings to prepare your classes as well as with learners to define priorities. In the published material, you will find the instructions and the necessary cards to play this conversational game.
Once you have completed your conversational journey, please do not forget to post about it in the dedicated group on the platform. Here, you will be able to discover other players' conclusions and collaborate with them in case you find common priorities.
- The official publication is available on the Publication Office of the European Union. Please download the available PDF for the print-friendly version of the game.
- Find attached to this topic both colour and greyscale game publications in PDF to download.
- The following links include the game cards as jpg images to download and reuse in online collaborative tool environments to play digitally. Join the Game's group to download them.
This game is
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This means that reuse is allowed provided appropriate credit is given and any changes are indicated.
For any use or reproduction of photos or other material that is not owned by the European Union permission must be sought directly f rom the copyright holders.
How to cite this report: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Szkola, S., Napoli, V., Pisiotis, U. and Williquet, F., The GreenComp Game, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2024, JRC139070.
We are working to officially publish this game, but I am not able to have a foreseen date yet. In the meanwhile, you can download the cards here and play anyway :)