GreenComp café - Learning scenarios #2

valeria napoli
valeria napoli

Once again, we are organising a GreenComp café to work together around the European sustainability competence framework!


This community café will resume the conversation started at the beginning of this year and continued in May around learning scenarios

While in the previous café we have defined the main criteria that should be taken into consideration, this café will dive into showcasing the mock-up of the end-product. We will also provide more information on how the learning scenarios will be added to this mock-up and how you can contribute to this via the annual call for innovative projects. 

Join us to contribute to this community activity! Please enroll to receive the connection details.


Have you missed the previous café? No worries you can find all the information here


The presentation of how to apply to the call is going to be recorded for community purposes. 

Comments (3)

valeria napoli
valeria napoli

Dear all,
more information about this café has been added to the description of the event!
This café is open to all E4C companions who would like to participate in the call for innovative projects and apply to the green competence stream!

François Jourde
François Jourde

This is an excellent resource developed by European Schoolnet, which has extensive expertise in the field. The LS template is Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).

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