France has just presented the final version of its third national plan for adaptation to climate change, the "Pnacc" (unfortunately, that's just one acronym among many..), a document containing fifty-two measures.
We could discuss the relevance of some of these measures, their degree of integration with the European strategy, their systemic nature (an essential point), etc. But this is not my point here.
I will simply emphasise that the very existence of such a planning exercise (even if it is not multiannual, which would undoubtedly be preferable) is necessary, and that the Member States must indeed equip themselves with such coordination and anticipation exercises at national level by articulating the public policies necessary to obtain results in line with the stated objectives. This is key, and I am delighted to see France taking part in this exercise for the 3rd time.
But what I particularly want to highlight, and help to disseminate here, are the MEASURES PLANNED FOR EDUCATION.
MEASURE 28: Ensure the continuity of school education and childcare in the face of global warming
MEASURE 49: Continue and strengthen climate education in schools and higher education. higher education.
Each measure is the subject of a very detailed study and lists concrete actions. Measure 49, for example, includes actions relating to capacity enhancement of teachers and staff, and also actions about supporting pupils and students' commitment and action in favour of climate action, which is very good.
(Regarding training, also note that MEASURE 50 is about training ALL public operators to the challenges of adaptation and mobilise public administration competences.)
I hope you enjoy reading this plan and that it inspires you.
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