Migratory Birds - Educational game on the SDGs

Marius Wohlfahrtstätter
Marius Wohlfahrtstätter • 31 October 2024

As part of the EU-funded project Play&Acts4SDGs, the serious game ‘Migratory Birds’ was further developed and translated into several languages (English, French, German).

In cooperation with the French non-governmental organisation Choisis ta planéte, the MIREVI working group of the HSD media department and the ZIES (Center of Innovative Energy Systems), an approach with gamification elements for knowledge transfer in the field of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was expanded and new levels were designed. The game includes interactive game sequences, target group-orientated animated videos and exciting quiz questions.

The aim is to raise awareness of the global challenges of our time among children aged 8 - 12. The game will be expanded to include additional levels in the future.

A special feature: it is possible create new courses with individual quiz questions, which have to be solved by the pupils in class.

The game can be accessed via the following link: Play Migratory Birds.

Here you can find a short video manual how to play the game.

Find attached the manuals for the game as well as a pupil-orientated questionnaire on the individual carbon footprint. Note: You can print the complete questionnaire on one double-printed page to save paper.

If you have questions or if you are interested in a cooperation, feel free to contact.


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