Work on building the Education for Climate coalition started in December 2020.
The goal was to create a coalition, a working and evolving community, to learn together.
So this is what happened then.
December 2020
The idea of the Education for Climate initiative is born
We aspire to support the creation of a European participatory education community for climate led by teachers and students together with other educational actors.
January 2021
Finding the first community seeds
We launch an EU Survey and do a snowball mapping to identify participants and interests.
February 2021
Starting the community planting
The survey (576 contributions) and community ecosystem analysis informs our next steps and starts the community co-design phase.
March and April 2021
The first sprouts of the community
Focus Groups - to explore community stories and experiences we held discussions with
- students
- teachers
- education stakeholders
May 2021
Fertilising our community seedling
Prototype Workshops - for concrete actions to nourish the Education for Climate prototype we align on
- shared long-term goals
- community interactivity and content
- participatory challenges
22 June 2021
The first community flower has grown
The community is calling! First Education for Climate Gathering
The co-design conference brings together
- all involved in the community’s co-design
- all their invited peers
- all having an interest in it
Based on the co-design process, we want to
- present community goals
- highlight community stories
- explore community challenges
July - October 2021
community co-design workshops
What is the EU doing about Climate Education in 2021?
25 November 2021
The first community plant in full bloom
We invite the education community to join
the first Education for Climate Day
On this day, we launch the social community platform and the first participatory challenges that have been co-created in the months before.
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