The United Nations Children’s Fund has reported that half the world’s 2.2 billion children are at “extremely high risk” from the impacts of climate change. Over half a billion children live in areas with extremely high levels of flooding, nearly 160 million children live in places with a high or extremely high chance of droughts, and more than 1.7 million children under the age of 5 die each year due to the effects of living in a polluted environment. Moreover, following a 2020 survey of child psychiatrists in England, more than half (57%) of them declared seeing children and young people distressed about the climate crisis and the state of the environment.
Every child - like we before them - has an inherent right to grow up in a safe environment, to lead a healthy physical and mental life and dream and develop in a prosperous future. Having colonised, in a great share, their future, we need to ensure that education not only addresses environmental issues and climate change, but also offers a framework for addressing, asserting, and "conquering" their (de facto) environmental rights to a safe and healthy environment!
Yesterday, and towards this end, the UN Environment Programme launched “Our Rights, Our Planet”, a free training for young people to learn about how to protect their environmental rights. The training is available online and offline, and features interviews with activists, scientists and experts from around the world, animated lessons, as well as an interactive game.
Online training for children and young people to stand up for their environmental rights!

Comments (9)

Thanks for sharing this. Would you have a link?

The web page from UN Environment Programme launched “Our Rights, Our Planet" is awesome!!!!
I've just had a look at it and there are a lot of interactive resources for students (at different levels) to learn while they are playing: "Play your right cards" It's your turn now! Help Malala, Krutika, Caio, Colel, Miro and their friends find solutions to environmental injustices.
I'd love to use it in my classes. It's really useful. Thanks for sharing, Vassilis

Thank you María de la Yedra Martínez Expósito! Looking forward to your feedback - and possibly recommendations - once you use it in your classes!


Çevreyi kaybeden her şeyi kaybetmiş demektir. Kaybetmemek için varız.

İklim, çevre, doğal, ağaç, çiçek ve çocuk olan her yerde vardım. Çünkü bunlar varsa hayat var.
Her türlü projenize, faaliyetlerinize destek veriyorum.
Teşekkür ederim.

Excellent resources that address several aspects in an engaging way and that can be used both in class and individually by students.I will definitely include them in my classes, thank you!

Βασίλη, μου άρεσε πάρα πολύ! Σε ευχαριστούμε που το μοιράστηκες. Είναι ιδιαίτερα βοηθητικό για μας και τους μαθητές μας. Με εκτίμηση. Ιωάννα Κοτσιώλη
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Here it is François Jourde :