Dear all,
I'm sharing with you a new call from the New European Bauhaus Initiative that specifically targets places of learning.
The recording of the Info session about the call that was organized on 8 March 2022 is available here.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for projects focused on the transformation of places of learning that connect a tangible place with innovative pedagogical methods and the local community. We are interested in ongoing or new projects in the fields of education, training, youth, and knowledge that reflect the values of the New European Bauhaus (sustainability, aesthetics, inclusion) and aim at the transformation of:
- a physical place of education and knowledge
- ways of learning or gaining knowledge and/or the education and pedagogical focus
- the relationship with the local community
While the ultimate objective is to combine these three dimensions of transformation, projects developed around two of them are also welcome.
We invite you – experts, thinkers, doers, neighbours, ministers, students, educators or researchers – to join us in making waves for beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive spaces that shape our future ways of learning and thinking.
Detailed information about the open call for the transformation of places of learning (PDF document):!JXxrtb.
Who can participate in this call?
Individuals and organisations involved in education, training, informal learning, or youth project(s), in Europe and beyond.
This call is for you if you are, for example:
- A neighbourhood collective with great ideas for new learning tools for a community centre looking for partners to help turn them into reality.
- A local government worker looking for like-minded sparring partners.
- A university seeking to implement transdisciplinary ways of working.
- A teacher struggling to implement their fantastic plans because of day-to-day constraints.
- A researcher looking for application areas to produce a proof of concept.
- Willing to share your experience of having recently refurbished your school.
- An architect who understands how a beautiful, functional setting can improve learning and wants to utilize this knowledge in a project.
Why participate?
By participating in the call and sharing your project, you will:
- make your project more visible and part of the New European Bauhaus initiative
- connect to a transnational network of like-minded project promoters and potential partners
- get access to relevant meetings and events intended to support your efforts
- get prepared for submitting your project to the 2023 edition of the New European Bauhaus Prizes with a focus on education
Key milestones
17 February - 31 December 2022 - Call for expression of interest open for applications
After you submit your application, you will receive a confirmation that your project has been registered as part of the initiative.
8 March 2022 at 14:00 CET - Info session on the call for transforming places of learning
Join the info session to know more about the New European Bauhaus open call for the transformation of places of learning.
As from April 2022 - Application screening
Incoming applications will be screened to group similar concepts or ideas. New groups of topics will be created as more applications are received.
As from June 2022 - Publication on the website and acceleration opportunities
In June, we will publish the first observations on the information collected through the call on this website. Around the same time, the European Commission will propose a set of opportunities to help accelerate the projects through exchanges on practices, connections with experts, and dedicated sessions in the NEB Lab.
5 October 2022 - Education for climate day
During the Education for climate day, a dedicated stock-taking workshop will be organised to check on the progress of the different concepts. There will also be an outlook to the prize and the various funding options that the European Commission provides for further support. Check-out last year's event.
If you have any questions regarding the call please don't hesitate to post them in the comments below, join our info session in March or contact me directly.
Desidero candidare il progetto della nostra scuola e rinsaldare il mio personale impegno e percorso di vita in veste di Ambasciatrice del Patto Europeo per il Clima , insegnante ed attivista didattico.
Dear Patrizia,
please nominate your school project by filling in this form. For a project to be considered for acceptance, it needs to reflect the values of the New European Bauhaus (sustainability, aesthetics, inclusion) and aim at the transformation of (at least 2 out of 3 dimensions below):
With the help of Google Translate/Con l'aiuto di Google Translate:
I apologize for mistakes in the translation/Mi scuso per gli errori nella traduzione .
Cara Patrizia,
per favore segnala il tuo progetto scolastico compilando questo modulo.
Affinché un progetto possa essere considerato per l'accettazione, deve riflettere i valori del New European Bauhaus (sostenibilità , estetica, inclusione) e mirare alla trasformazione di (almeno 2 su 3 dimensioni di seguito): un luogo fisico di educazione e conoscenza modi di apprendere o acquisire conoscenze e/o il focus educativo e pedagogico il rapporto con la comunità locale.
Best regards/Distinti saluti,
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