
Very scalable & great content Sustainability Lessons for everyone needs help

Thijs Struijk
Thijs Struijk • 22 June 2022

The Dutch initiative The Sustainability Lessons developed and piloted precorona is about to stop. We only see a way out if the lessons get translated.

The lessons are online games, The teacher needs no expertise on sustainability. The lessons are about impact, sdgs, circularity and than 5 more lessons with the concepts applied to themes.

We piloted in 2019 succesfully with 110 quizmasters playing the games with over 3500 children aged ( 9 -12). We got funding for 2020 but it could not continue. Although the lessons are online a Quizmaster is a volunteer to kickstart lesson 1 PREFERABLY ON LOCATION and than handover the rest to the teacher.

So our sponsors delivered the volunteers but in the end they could not go to the classrooms and do their job. Now 2,5 years later, the funding has dried up and the project is about to break.

If we could find ways per country in Europe to easily translate it to native languages, there might also be more opportunity to get the project (co)funded.

If people here have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know.

here you can testdrive lesson 1 and 2: www.duurzameles.nl
NOTE: the games should be and stay free for education




Comments (5)

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA

Roberta Bellini  - this sounds like something for you!
Andrea STITZEL , you might have contacts of help, too?
Maria-Riitta Paaso  is currently looking for game contacts in another context too - I'll update here. 
Tremeur DENIGOT  might as always also be able to connect to relevant peers?

>> As suggested, I'll now keep an eye open and as soon as you've found together as a 'challenge nucleus', happy to help further for a dedicated working space. 
>> Plus, we are quite busy on the country group openings, so local outreach will be much easier soon (re: translations).

Jim Volp
Jim Volp

Iselin Berg Mulvik  watch out!!! Climate Cardinals are completely overhyped!


Their claim that they are 8,000 volunteers from 40+ countries working on translating climate info into over 100 languages. Sounds great! Sells very well! Especially in the USA! But when you do a ground truthing you see they have done very, VERY little.


Take Spanish. Quite an important language, right? Number of translated documents: 1! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1V2h5Tl-v1pAlgQWrAMfnX43WghFSW6eN

Russian: 2! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AA6WhC9D57WO2HxnFCZGPkiozWVtThih

Cantonese: 1! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fRDVk_VhlvEdmY3PWqilRYWnftNIWz6M

Arabic: 3! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1X2jnYkxlf3e2EEVGo4BENGlK7VaQRBl4

French: 3! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SHwhryNVAfLJHFc5Zg7CHsQ9OXS7QuaU

I can go on, but you can check for yourself: 


Almost all languages have ONLY 1 doc translated. 1400 words long. And from the University of Michigan... By far, not the most important document to begin with. 

Ooh, and total language folders on their Google Drive: 57 (not 100). 


I laugh at the self-promoting pretty young girl that Sophia Kianni is. As such she has unbelievably successfully penetrated the political and media arenas which as you know is dominated by h..y old white men.

Look at some of her photos on her Instagram account. Can you take her seriously?



Jim Volp
Jim Volp

I stand corrected. I challenged her yesterday on LinkedIn and she replied: "We no longer update that :) We post translations on our partner websites instead " 

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