Clicks On - Let's measure schools' carbon footprints!

Elise Yonneau
Elise Yonneau

Actors of the educational community? ? ?

Meet us on June 1st at the Climate Academy - City of Paris to discover #ClicksOn, the Erasmsus+ project that puts climate at the heart of schools!

? The project has been running for 2 years now... And 27 schools have already looked into energy/climate issues, calculated their school's carbon footprint and even developed their own action plan, with the students!

âž¡ Are you also interested in the place of climate issues in education?
The Association Bilan Carbone (ABC) and Avenir Climatique have designed a two-part event for you :

- Morning (10:00/12:00): Schools have the floor! Come and attend a full year's restitution session - This will be an opportunity to get their feedback.

- Afternoon (14:00/16:00): Institutional actors ? Come and discover the first results of this project, test our tools thanks to fun workshops and discuss the place of climate issues in the school curriculum.

Follow this link to register :
NB: This event will only be available in french

Comments (1)


Dear Elise Yonneau , it is a great pleasure for me to attend your event and explain what the EU is doing on the green education front and how the Education for Climate Coalition can help us engage in cocreation processes. I will be very interested to listen to teachers and students feedback on your very interesting project. See you soon in Paris!

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