Dear Education for Climate Community,
After this unprecedented scorching summer, should we teach our young people to ride the Climate change wave ?
Or seize this other opportunity, by renovating our school right next door.
Because we are each essential to the necessary change of posture, that we will need to test-learn-consolidate-scale up together "in common" at 3 generations.
This new school year, we are starting the activities of the ECO²-SCHOOLS LAB !
We are initiating a first citizen's cooperative budget
and recruiting +10 first schools to develop a Climate renovation action plan,
in learning by doing with their neighbourhood/village in transition at 3 generations.
Contributions are open to everyone
(it is possible to participate from different EU countries - in 6 cross-border climatic-cultural regions: FR, BE + DE, AT, NL, IE, GR, IT, DK, PT, ES, SE, FI... ).
Offer the toolbox and a startup workshop session to your school, participate by reserving a cooperative share of the Lab that makes all the difference.
Be part of the initiative
- by giving a first support,
- relay this to your shool community and friends (*it is open to a European coverage with building synergies and linking best existing changemaking initiatives),
- the cooperative fundraising campaign, launched this Thursday 1st of September is open till October 9, 2022 (via the ULULE crowdfunding platform).
The spirit challenge is to co-fund together a first "citizens cooperative budget". You simply make a choise of the kind of action you want to support (even with a little amount of money, this counts).
It is possible to participate from different EU countries (we have a partnership to allow tax exemption with European coverage). Don't forget after making your donation, to register the school of your choice via this form :
What is essential is the momentum created by this campaign. Engage yourself + share the challenge with your school community, parents and friends.
In the case the needed budget for a "start workshop" (real cost price = 1000 euros) is not reached at the end of the campain, rest assured, it will be possible to complete the budget or to benefit another nearby school. We can also imagine that several schools come together on the same territory to benefit from the workshop.
You will still be able to change your choice of reward, as well as the chosen school until the end of the campaign. Donators will together have the decision on what will be done.
We need all hands, we count on your involvement and support !
Make of this start cooperative campain, with Education for Climate Coalition, an unexpected European success.
Thank you to all of you ";)
Cooperator-expert Sustainable City, innovation partnerships
Alliance Sens & Economie
Official partner of the New European Bauhaus
Mél :
François Jourde
Nice initiative - shared online with teachers at
Very good Karl !
Here is the direct link to participate to the "citizens cooperative funding campain" and "school community challenge" joining forces to offer a start workshop to your school.
The campain is now open,
I have updated the text of the published Challenge Event.
Thanks for your support ♥
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