Communities co-creating learning for climate resilience: Education for Climate and the Climate pact
We are very glad to announce that the Education for Climate Coalition will be present at COP27. We will propose a one-hour online side event moderated by a Climate Pact Ambassador, Jonas Nitschke.
In this occasion, the winners of the Education for climate call for innovative green education projects will showcase their 3 inspiring initiatives happening on the ground in 3 EU member states.
This session will serve as a basis for a discussion with the audience, inviting actors from other parts of the world to engage in a conversation around green education with your dear community members, in order to learn from each other, build capacity and foster co-creation processes from the bottom to the top.
The objective of a community on green education with a participatory approach is not meant to be limited to the EU as all countries in the world are currently facing the climate crisis and are looking for ways to adapt their education systems to the current needs in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
There is more than ever a urgent need for peer-learning and exchange of good practices. We need to act collectively on innovative education solutions for the green transition and sustainable development, by empowering young people and adults to promote tangible initiatives bridging the fragmentation between countries, education sectors, domains and people.
This online session will be co-hosted by the European Climate Pact and the Education for Climate community - two European participatory initiatives joining forces to co-create tangible education solutions for the green transition.
We hope you will join us: enroll to this event.
Our EU Side event at COP27 is now accessible on the dedicated platform and can be found here.

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