Invitation to CLIMA-KIT Dissemination Event

Bilgesu TUTAL
Bilgesu TUTAL

Dear All,

I would like to invite you to our dissemination event for the CLIMA-KIT: Climate Education with Hands-on Science at School project. The very exciting news is that Dear Tremeur Denigot will be joining us for this event. It will be a great opportunity to gather together and share the details of our project with you! The event will take place on June 21 between 13:00 and 17:30 at Silversquare Central (Cantersteen 47, 1000 Bruxelles). 

This event aims to showcase the achievements and outputs of the CLIMA-KIT project, supported by the European Union Erasmus + School Education Cooperation Partnership Program. The project consortium includes seven partners from three different countries, working collaboratively to enhance climate education through hands-on science activities. Within the scope of the project, a content that includes practical experiments and activities for climate education, which will guide teachers and meet the scientific infrastructure needs of students has been developed. With this content; we aim for children to learn about climate change, to integrate the habits they will acquire with their lives and to ensure behavioral change, not just theoretical gains, and for teachers to have the opportunity to improve their skills and competencies in this regard.

What to Expect:

• Project Presentation: An overview of the CLIMA-KIT project, its goals, and milestones.
• Hands-on Science Activities: Demonstrations of the science activities developed during the project.
• Digital Platform Introduction: A tour of the digital platform created for climate education.
• Expert Speakers: Insights from experts in the field of climate education and science.
• Partner Experiences: Sharing of experiences and best practices by representatives from the project partners.
• Good Practice Examples: Presentation of successful implementations and case studies.
• Networking Session: Opportunity for meeting other actors in the climate and environmental education

Join Us

This event is an excellent opportunity for educators, policymakers, researchers, and anyone interested in climate education to learn about innovative educational practices and network with professionals in the field.

For More Information

For detailed information about the project, please visit project website:


To register for the event, please fill the form here:…

We look forward to your participation and to sharing our journey and successes in climate education with you.

Best regards,

Bilgesu TUTAL 

on behalf of Climate and Environment Association Europe (CERA Europe)

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