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For whom?
Everybody who wants to engage on the Education for Climate's collaborative platform
enroll to the event here and you'll receive the webex link ahead of the event
Dear all, here the link for our Q&A workshop this afternoon :
Meeting link:
Meeting number:
2744 213 7391
Meeting password:
Join from a video or application
Dial 27442137391@vodelio.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
080-058-727 Belgium Toll Free
080-077-651 Belgium Toll Free 2
Access code: 27442137391
Global call-in numbers
Freephone calling restrictions
Dear all,
Some of you were not able to join the event yesterday.
It is important for us to understand better how to make this better. It would be great if you can tell us more about it here : https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/E4Ceventattendance
Many thanks!
Also, please note another session is already planned next month. Don't hesitate to enrol! https://education-for-climate.ec.europa.eu/community/group/28/event/qa-…
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