Advisory Group Agenda #2

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA • 5 April 2022

This is the initial agenda for the Advisory Group working session #1.



1.    WelcomeSecretariat

2.    Introduction round for new membersall group members

3.    Agenda co-setting all group members and Secretariat 

a. Short report: Where does Education for Climate stand? - Secretariat follow-up action points
(community members, upcoming challenges and adapted timings, flyer in all EU languages, role recognition)

b. Elements of common agenda (no order implied):
Policy-Practice Forum, National Coalition outreach

4.    Conclusion and way forward – all group members 

5.    AOB


*meeting will be recorded and published shortly afterwards
*meeting minutes will be published shortly afterwards 
*follow-up in-between monthly meetings in Advisory Group platform group



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