Education for Climate Day 2023 | Green Competences Session

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA • 10 November 2023

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  • How does Greencomp relate to A Rounder Sense of Purpose, also created by the EC, with the help of experts. 

  • In order to change behaviour, it is necessary to have a motive, understanding science and trusting it should be the priority.

  • We need to raise awareness first in order to change behaviours through mainly scientific education (STEM and Green Competences linked together)

  • I think students are very amare of the issues, we just need to focus on action and start doing something to change

  • Hello,where I am from in smaller cities climite change and sustanibility isnt thought of often, and I'd like to change that Id also like to develope health care

  • In order to be able to raise awareness and then change behaviours from there, we also first need to set a good foundation in knowledge with quality education.

  • I think that training the teachers, trainers and educators in any fields is the first key action to raise awareness and change behaviours therefore mindset 

  • Many of the challenges in addressing climate change stem from human behavior – whether it's the overuse of fossil fuels, deforestation, or excessive consumption

  • We also need to keep in mind that while we change something, we musn't wosten another, like using more paper instead of plastic, as paper uses up a lot of water

  • I believe that thanks to teachers' good work we can create the communal repsonsibility which otherwise is more individual, and that  is just not enough

  • The Climate action front is multiple-layered, from basic knowledge and education to political decidion-making.

  • powerful hands-on game for all kinds of public combines awareness raising and actions through collective and generative discussions

  • To grow positive narrative on climate change expecially for young generations to contrast the climate anxiety 

  • We underestimate what we could do if we all tried together, even the smallest change could become a big impact if we do it together, applying critical thinking

  • Exactly, small steps first. Specifically because the whole problem is overwhelming, and breaking it into smaller pieces could help

  • Agree with the comment on eco-anxiety. Check the last Talk with Wieneke Maris tackling this topic:

  • We have worked in a project to promote citizen participation in public policies related to "green city elements" aimed directly at regular citizens:

  • We have developed a learning journey for young people which is all about the use of arts and storytelling for transformative climate resilience. You can check it out at:

  • We all run climate circles tohelp young people process climate anxiety and other climate emotions. They are part of learning to listen. They are effective, incl. in universities:

  • Perhaps the power lies in fostering a feeling of agency and responsibility, whether at an individual or collective level. Also personal stories/testimonies can be highly influential at a bigger scale

  • As the climate system is very complex, critical and systems thinking should be required to understand first how it actually works and regulates itself...

  • The real question is: what should be done at school? What should be done outside? School can t do everything.

  • Following Jose's comments, in collaboration with practitioners, I developed a boardgame that incorporates role-play, encourages contemplative dialogue, imaginative perspective-taking and promotes emotional capabilities development in Youth

  • School, in general, should provide pupils with both basic scientific and nature-promoting knowledge, skills and competences

  • I learned that awareness is interlinked with attitude and action, and that learning happens in schools, but also in daily life engagements with family & friends and also in non-formal activities. Thanks for this session!

  • In order to change mindsets we need time. Our lives are fast. I think we should consider making time to reflect. Reflection is key, to see how much garbage we produce, how much we consume, how our climate changed. Slowing down.

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Comments (1)


Extremely interesting project. The games are amazing. They are very helpful for the students and for me. We will keep in touch. Many greetings from Athens-Greece🌼🌳

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