Preparation of a sustainability matrix, aimed at ALE institutions

Tina Mavric
Tina Mavric • 10 September 2023

The SMALEI consortium aims to improve the sustainability of adult learning and education (ALE) providers and organisations all over Europe and to increase their capacity to contribute to forward-looking societal developments.

SMALEI raises awareness about the environmental and climate change challenges and enable ALE to take concrete actions towards sustainable growth.

A Sustainability Matrix for ALE institutions is in development to assess the existing conditions of sustainability aspects, hands-on tools and policy recommendations in ALE organisations.

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With the partnership, we aim to bring together people working with environmental sustainability and connect them through our LinkedIn Group. Feel free to join us!


To know more about the project, visit our SMALEI website or send a message to the project coordinator, Tina Mavrič at The European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA).


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