What is Sustainability Skills
In the Sustainability Skills programme of Cooperation Leren voor Morgen (in the Netherlands), vocational education, business, governments and catalysts in various regions work on the development of sustainable skills. These skills are needed to work on local sustainability transitions. In the regional initiatives, they jointly map out which skills are needed now and in the future. They also develop practical solutions so that students in vocational education and employees in practice can acquire these skills. This involves stimulating and scaling up educational innovation in prevocational secondary education, intermediate vocational education and higher professional education and embedding it in practice. The programme has:
- 25 projects focused on developing sustainable skills are finished or ongoing
- 5 regional initiatives are continuously collaborating
- 18601 students and 2871 teachers from 63 schools reached
- A network of people working in education and transition with frequent newsletters
All projects, knowledge documents, articles and impact data can be found here:
Who are involved?
Students, teachers, regional organisations and businesses, practoraten, lectoraten, (sustainability) coördinators in educational institutions, and organisations that aim to catalyze educational innovation for Learning for Sustainable Development are all part of the programme (in different ways). Each regional initiative is guided by either an educational institution or a catalyst of educational innovation for sustainable transitions. In the projects students, teachers, local governments and businesses/regional organisations are working together. We connect 'lectoren' ,'practoren' and other researchers in this field to the network to share practical and theoretical research. Everyone who is interested can subscribe to our newsletter (in Dutch) where we share updates, handy documents and research outcomes, good practices and inspirational articles.
Do you want to know more?
Take a look at our website! https://lerenvoormorgen.org/en/programma/sustainability-skills/
Here you can also find our contact details, if you want to reach out.
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