What is it about?

Anaïs TONDEUR • 17 December 2021

By drawing our attention to the sky, this artistic experience invites children and teenagers to portray together the sky of Europe through a unique photographic protocol. Produced and absorbed by humans, the photographed skies will be printed from the particulate matter collected in the air they breathe on 05 February & March 2022.


In order to do this, you will become standstill explorers. You will track contemporary meteors known as carbon black particles which travel through the sky and the air we breathe.

Remnants of human uses of carbon energies, these particles know no borders. They travel over thousands of kilometers. They settle on the ice at the poles, causing them to absorb more of the sun’s energy, further accelerating their melting. But carbon black also infiltrates the lungs of humans and animals, passing through into organs and tissue, causing an increasing number of deaths.

Through this participative photographic action, created with scientists from the JRC, European Commission, you are invited to explore the sky in a perceptual manner. By experiencing it in a way other than just an element of the landscape or the backdrop of our earthly lives, the sky becomes, from breath to breath, an environment on which our lives depend. The air that everyone breathes is shared with the rest of the world, reminding us the anthropologist Marc Higgin.

How can you participate?


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