Climate change education through environmental journalism

Mirjam HILLENIUS • 25 September 2022

Tintin4Climate is an Erasmus+ project that has been implemented in Spain, Latvia, Estonia and the Netherlands. The project has created an open-access online course in environmental journalism addressed to secondary-school students.

The project proposes a different approach to climate education: instead of training teachers in acquiring scientific knowledge and transmitting it to their students, it prepares teachers to guide and assess students in their search for information, its analysis and interpretation, adopting a multidisciplinary and competence-based approach (critical thinking, climate change literacy...).

Students learn how to investigate climate change: what is fake news, how do you check your sources, and how to prepare an interview..., involving their families, neighbourhoods or cities. 

The course was created by the Spanish Association of Environmental Journalists, Tallinn University, Riga Educational Department, the partner schools, and coordinated by MyDocumenta. All the material is available on HTTP:// and will be presented during the Spanish Environmental Congress in Madrid in November. We are very interested in other projects or initiatives with similar characteristics, to create synergies and exchange experiences. 

Comments (1)


Hello ! We are preparing projects on recycling and biodiversity at secondary school level. I would like to exchange information ?

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