Recording | Policy and Practice Forum co-design dialogue: Sustainability competences in action

Frederic WILLIQUET • 6 May 2022

Comments (1)

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA

Thank you again to all panelists for the engaging conversation!

We received the following questions/comments on slido - dear community, let's create separate discussions on them, if you feel engaging in them more deeply.

- It was GreenComp a children-centered process designed/led?

- Will the European Commission add GreenComp as nยฐ9 to the eight key competences?

- Design thinking focused on sustainability issues include a lot of the competencies of the Greencomp. How could it be applied more broadly?


- UNESCO SDG Resources for Educators :

- We have a new EU project for working with children. It is called GreenScent

- I think that greencomp should be considered as transversal to the 8 ones, if not we cannot work in an integrated way!(which usually happens in italian schools!)

- we do through our life skills and recreationally activities in our programs to highlight the important of greencomp

- It cant be only about ideas, it has to be about real actions! Developing an entrepreneurial mindset can make the difference in generating the change we need. To develop this entrepreneurial mindset please visit: into-action for our planet!

Tremeur DENIGOT Ulrike PISIOTIS Won Jung Byun
Marianne Mensah Marianella Parra

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