The 15-minute concept and the school as “the capital of the neighbourhood”, ft. Carlos Moreno

Valeria NAPOLI
Valeria NAPOLI • 13 October 2023
in group Talks


Carlos Moreno is an internationally renowned urbanist, author, researcher and associate professor at Sorbonne University, founder of the concept of the 15-minute City and the 30-minute territory. 

The visionary approach of the theoretical concept of the 15-minute city redefines the traditional city centre, advocating for accessibility to essential services within a 15-minute radius from every neighbourhood. 

That idea gained significant traction when Anne Hidalgo made it part of her city hall run in 2019 in Paris. In her mind, it was absolutely clear that the school should play a key role from the beginning. As she told Carlos:  

We need to implement the 15-minute city to transform our districts. And in each one of our districts, the school will be the capital of the neighbourhood”.  

Consequently, the school would become a place open to everyone, adults included, for sports and cultural activities on nights and weekends: a way of putting the school back at the centre of the village, both figuratively and literally. 

In this talk, Carlos explains his concepts, share with us the role that school/education should play in the neighbourhood, and the competences we should promote to favour sustainability.  


01:40 Could you explain the main concept and objectives of the 15-minute City/Territory of 30mn? 

05:00 What about the schools? What about education in this equation? 

11:50 What is your take on education for climate? What are in your opinion the competences that have to be promoted? 


Carlos Moreno official website: 

Are you interested to watch previous episodes? Check the Education for Climate Talks 

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