Advice to policy makers: “Regenerate teaching capacity”, ft. Dr. Jos Eussen

Valeria NAPOLI
Valeria NAPOLI • 13 July 2023
in group Talks

This talk gives the floor to Dr. Jos Eussen from the Netherlands, researcher and academic at Maastricht university, and long-time professional involved in sustainable education.

He is also the initiator and lead of the OPEDUCA Project, a project born in 2004, which presentation in its official website reads as follows: “the first initiative that put ‘Education for Sustainable Development’ at the base of education, that empowers schools to no longer accept forced upon short-term projects, tools and made-up priorities, that dares to base development on the empowerment of Teachers and direct cooperation with the best in industry. The learning proposed reaching beyond multi- and interdisciplinary to transdisciplinary education.”

Dr Eussen in this talk invites us to think out of the box and share with us some inspiring suggestions regarding new ways of approaching the very act of learning. That is for sure very refreshing and worth noting that there is a fine line between sustainability in education and transformation in education, between green education and quality education. ESD might indeed be a strong vector for educational transformation.


1:40 What is your experience in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and what brought you to it?

8:40 Do you share the view that most key actors in ESD often mention the same solutions when it comes to changing/adapting education systems to the green transition? If yes, how can we explain the time needed for change to happen?

14:30 What is the main focus we should have now to make change happen? What are your suggestions regarding the priorities we should focus on?

17:55 Should we also change or adapt the examination system in order to transform the education systems?


For more info you can access the official website of the OPEDUCA Project here:


Are you interested to watch previous episodes? Check the Education for Climate TALKS

Comments (1)

María de la Yedra Martínez Expósito
María de la Yedra Martínez Expósito

Change is something that teachers in Spain have known in-depth last year with LOMLOE, the new Education Law. It encourages students to participate in ‘situaciones de aprendizaje‘ or ‘learning situations‘ and aims to help kids and teens with the skills needed to meet the demands of today's and tomorrow's global and digital world.……
Have a look at "Want to know more?" Follow our blog to get a better insight into each of the key focuses set out in the LOMLOE:
The school year was "a bit chaotic", but the results have been really good. Everything no longer depends on the grade of an exam, but there are different evaluated tasks that inform us about the evolution of the students in their learning process.

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