Vinciane Martin is working as project officer on education and employment at the Shift Project, a French think tank created in 2010 advocating the shift to a post-carbon economy. As a non-profit organisation committed to such a goal, the issue of knowledge and competence related to ecological issues is logically also among its interests. Consequently, that organisation conducted in 2019 an interesting study to take stock of the integration of energy and climate change issues in the curricula of French education management schools, showing eventually that is was barely taught.
Listen to Vinciane’s explanations about the rationale, the outcome and the recommendations of the study about an operational method for integrating environmental issues into business education.
01:25 What is the Shift Project, what are its objectives and modus operandi?
06:05 To what extend are you interested in green competences and in the role played by education in the green transition?
10:45 What are your concrete actions and projects related to this question of competences and education? Can you tell us more about the study you conducted?
More information:
You can access the full report “Educating the actors of tomorrow’s economy” and its executive summary here.
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