Pramod Kumar Sharma is Senior Director of Education at the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), a non-governmental and non-profit organisation promoting globally sustainable development through environmental education since 1981. Pramod as a long experience acquired over 23 years of working with environmental education and Education for Sustainable Development.
In that TALK, he shares with us some news on actions promoted by FEE. He believes in particular in the ambitious “Greening Education partnership” promoted by UNESCO which goal is that all countries should adopt by 2030 a green school accreditation scheme (like FEE Eco-Schools) with at least 50% schools, colleges, and universities with green accreditation and operating sustainably. This action also contributes to building up a political momentum around green education.
However, while undeniable progress is being made, change is still slow in coming and education systems seem outdated. Pramod also shares with us some more personal and inspiring thoughts and recommendations regarding environmental education, telling us that it can have a strong impact on quality education. Something worth thinking seriously about.
01:25 Can you tell us more about the history of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), its objectives and main successes?
08:25 In your opinion, is there today a window of opportunity for more collaboration at global level on green education, is there a political momentum? If yes, does this translates into concrete actions and achievements?
13:40 What would be your recommendations to accelerate the path towards a more sustainable education and to accelerate the necessary adaptation of education and training systems to the green transition?
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