Lisa Nieth is a principal consultant at Technopolis Germany, with over 10 years' experience in the fields of education and skills, research and innovation policy, and international development.
She currently heads the education and skills team at the Technopolis German office, and was the deputy project manager for the European Commission's study on the European sustainability Competence Framework: “Learning from practice: a compendium of case studies on GreenComp (GC)”.
This interview will enable you to understand the rationale behind the study, its main findings, as well as some of the recommendations the study makes about GreenComp, such as the need to 1. support the translation of GC into practical applications 2. strengthen dissemination efforts 3. support adoption (also through the GC community hosted by the Coalition) and 4. maintain the GC's nature as a living document.
These recommendations invite us all to continue our transnational conversation and experiment together, as we are currently learning by doing and need more than ever to share our respective experiences and results.
02:25 Why was the study carried out?
07:15 What are the main outcomes?
15:20 What recommendations does the study contain? What are the next steps?
More information:
Direct link to the study: “Learning from practice: a compendium of case studies on GreenComp”
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