Are all learners in education systems getting access to climate education? For those who are the lucky ones, is it a qualitative and relevant climate education they receive, giving them the right competences for the challenges they will have to face?
These are two main questions of our times, as Won Jung Byun, policy specialist at UNESCO, puts it.
These questions lead the work being done by UNESCO with initiatives such as the Greening Education partnership that followed the recent “Transforming Education Summit” (September 2022) which conclusion were that education must be transformed to give learners the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to tackle climate change and to promote sustainable development.
In this Talk, Won comes back to the history of the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) strategy led by UNESCO, explains some of the main initiatives that have been designed by her organisation, but also shares with us some reason for hope, as we see now some commitment from politic leaders around the world to make change happen. This is necessary, but it might not be enough.
We need indeed to have a “multi-stakeholders’ approach”, as “It is not only about governments, it is not only about teachers or students, but it is everybody’s business to have education play its role to drive societal sustainability development. “
01:25 UNESCO has been advocating for ESD for many years. What were the objectives followed, and what assessment can be made today of the progresses realised?
06:55 Most of the solutions provided for transforming learning and teaching and make them more sustainable seem quite similar. In fact, it seems that we have the solutions, still, it takes time to see them implemented. What are the main blocking factors/obstacles that can explain this?
10:40 UNESCO recently announced a “Greening Education Partnership”. Can you tell us more about it, and also your plans for the COP28?
More information about UNESCO’s work on Education for Sustainable Development here:
And about the Greening Education Partnership, here:…
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