What does the new Eurydice report on “Learning for sustainability in Europe” tell us? ft. Ulrike Pisiotis and Anna Horvath

valeria napoli
valeria napoli • 24 April 2024
in group Talks


A new Eurydice report on “Learning for sustainability in Europe - Building competences and supporting teachers and schools” has just been released.  
We talk about it with Ulrike Pisiotis from the European Commission (DG EAC) and Anna Horvath from the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

That report examines how European countries integrate learning for sustainability in teaching and school life in 39 education systems, investigates which sustainability-related competences are included in the school curricula, whether it  is done following a cross-curricular approach or integrated into specific subjects, how European countries prepare and support teachers in their endeavour to build and develop these competences in their students and shows the type of support offered to schools to implement whole-school approaches and to promote learning for sustainability, etc.  

Overall, the research findings show that there is some financial and non-financial support in place for learning for sustainability in these 39 countries, something we have to welcome. However, for the time being, this type of support remains unfortunately limited.

This report is a must-read for anyone interested in monitoring progress in sustainable education, and in reflecting on what remains to be done to strengthen our capacity to teach and learn about sustainability.

03:00: What did you wanted to achieve with such a report? Why does it matter? 
05:45 What are the main conclusions of the report/What does it show? 
14:20 What are the next steps/what are the actions expected based on the results?


More information : 
Read the Eurydice report on Learning for sustainability in Europe.

Are you interested to watch previous episodes? Check the Education for Climate Talk

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