ADEVİYE ERTÜRK • 27 September 2022
We create Greenhouses in the school garden and at the entrance. Our aim is to reach the ancestral Seeds.

Health is important. Considering the increase in diseases in recent years and these diseases separating our loved ones from us. We are not very successful in protecting our health. The real question should be: What are we eating? Why are we eating? Our body notifies us of the missing vitamin. Whatever vitamin we need, we remember its name (Fruit Vegetable Cereal). Foods that are odorless, of exaggerated shape and size, and have a vibrant color like plastic, cannot be organic. We call the foods that contain the necessary vitamins and minerals organic foods. These foods are produced completely naturally when grown. Insecticide is not applied as much as possible. No artificial fertilizers are used. In short, all artificial details have been removed. Organic seeds are used at the beginning of the production of these foods. Organic food production is necessary to find organic seeds.We will research how every food we eat is prepared. We will establish greenhouses in our schools and start with foods that are easy to grow, such as Parsley Mint Potatoes. We will try to go as far as possible. We will find and store organic seeds. We will research the preparation stage of each food.future.?❤️

Comments (1)

María de la Yedra Martínez Expósito
María de la Yedra Martínez Expósito

Great project!!! Now more than ever our students have a severe disconnect with where our food comes from and the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables in our diet. Most of them are surprised just how much food can be grown when a small plot is set aside to grow school vegetables, fruit....
This link is an amazing project made by Azahara Zaín , a primary teacher who also works on ALDEA ecohuerto project.…

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