Youth demands for quality climate change education

Tremeur DENIGOT • 21 February 2023

UNESCO has recently released an interesting global survey report on youth demands for climate change education (nearly 17,500 young people from 166 countries took the survey).

The report gives us food for thought, even if, to tell truth, and sadly in a way, I see nothing surprising. The report shows that young people want to learn more about climate change, learn in a more experiential way, be more active, have their say, have teachers better trained, work more transversally when it comes to disciplines, etc. It is a confirmation more than a discovery, right?

I extract this part which is of interest for Europeans (and Northern Americans) under the section "Contextual specificities" page 13:

"The region had the highest percentage of respondents (37 per cent) who reported that they did not receive climate change education in school, compared to other regions. Around half of the respondents from the region (47 per cent) replied that they are not well-prepared to respond to climate change based on what they learned at school,

which is the highest proportion of dissatisfaction in comparison to other regions. Notably, there were comments on the importance of learning to participate in decision-making processes on climate change."

We still have a lot to do, don't you think?

You can read the full report here

Comments (1)

María de la Yedra Martínez Expósito
María de la Yedra Martínez Expósito

Teachers should keep in mind that schools are important learning spaces for climate change.
And, of course, we can't forget that local communities have an important role to play in our climate change education.
It's a really interesting report!!!

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