March Community Action

Tremeur DENIGOT • 8 March 2024

Dear Education for Climate companions,

The GreenComp community hosted by EducationForClimate that builds on the European sustainability competence framework (GreenComp) to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to live, work and act sustainably, invites you to its informal gathering on March 27th 2024 at 16.30 CET!

By attending this meeting you will: 

  • Engage around use cases building on the GreenComp and hear the initial findings of a report commissioned by the European Commission; 
  • Engage around assessment tools related to GreenComp and hear a use case on this topic;
  • Discover the many achievements of this sub-community

Enroll to this event


Comments (1)

George Florin STAICU
George Florin STAICU

Dear Tremeur,

Thank you very much for the invitation to the informal gathering on March 27th 2024 at 16.30 CET!

Looking forward to attend this very interesting and insightful online meeting and to engage around use cases building on the GreenComp, hear the initial findings of the report commissioned by the European Commission, learn about the assessment tools related to GreenComp and hearing a use case on this topic.

Thanks again!
Wishing a very happy International Day of Women today, March 8th, to ALL our lady colleagues in this Education for Climate community!!

Kind regards,
United Nations Environment Program - Eastern Europe Regional Coordinating Lead Author for the Global Environment Outlook report - 7th edition (;

Partner Financial Institutions Relationship Manager - InvestEU - EBRD Green Guarantees project

Participant as Eastern Europe Regional Coordinating Lead Author, at the second working session of the authors of the 7th edition of the United Nations Environment Program's "Global Environmental Outlook" report - organized at the headquarters of the United Nations Organization in Vienna -

Participant to the United Nations Environment Program - Global Environment Outlook 7 edition conference in Shanghai, China: 4 - 7 Sept 2023 -

Participant at the "Climate Change Summit" 19 - 20 October, 2023; Bucharest, Romania

Participant and speaker at the conference "The social economy in the digital era", Bucharest, Romania:…

Global Ambassador of Sustainability - initiative - partnership UNESCO, UN Habitat and American University of Dubai -

Sustainable Procurement Ambassador for the Sustainable Procurement Pledge.

Content managing editor, founder, owner and administrator of the LinkedIn group "Best practices in SDGs, ESG, CLEAN ENERGY, CIRCULAR ECONOMY, GREEN / BLUE SUSTAINABLE FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT"

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