This Thursday, we met in our usual gathering to brainstorm together the GreenComp community's activities for early 2024.
Starting from the EFEE Leadership Week, one community member volunteered to participate in this event. The workshop will take place on February 16th from 13.30 to 14.30 CET; and it will showcase Education For Climate community and activities through the testimonials of community members. To better represent the shared views in the community, please contribute to the discussion here and share what we should underline during this event.
We will also continue with our monthly GreenComp cafés sharing experiences and seeking advice from other community members. Everyone is welcomed to share your activities and contact the Secretariat if you would like to organise a co-working activities for the community building on the GreenComp - following the example of other community members.
In this view, we will start with two focused sessions contributing to the ESD rubric that is currently being developed. The sessions will take place on February 14th and March 13th from 17.00 CET. Please register to the cafés here and hereto participate in these co-designing activities.
Furthermore, we will soon celebrate our first year in the GreenComp community. The idea is to meet on our anniversary and celebrate our achievements and plan what we would like to achieve in the upcoming second year. Further information will soon follow. However, if you any suggestions on which topics should be addressed, please comment below.
Last but not least, building on a community member's idea, we will start working together on developing learning scenarios building on the European sustainability competence framework, distinguishing educational level and competences developed. To contribute to this exercise, please check the idea here.
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