Resource library on learning scenarios

Valeria NAPOLI
Valeria NAPOLI • 30 October 2024

The new resource library on learning scenarios building on the GreenComp framework is finally out!


Starting from a community member's idea, the GreenComp community has worked together to deliver this new resource library containing learning scenarios building on the GreenComp framework.

Where can you access it? 

  • Click here to discover the learning scenarios submitted to the community to create this resource library.

How does it work?

Once you access the resource library, a search taxonomy will appear to filter the results that you can already surf underneath. 

Set the filters you prefer and discover the scenarios. It is possible to filter according to:

  • the language used in the learning scenaro;
  • country where it was developed;
  • which green competences were developed
  • the target; and
  • the metholodology.

Do you have question about the scenarios? Comment on the topic; and the authors will get notified.

DIsclaimer: please do NOT deselect "learning scenarios" and "GreenComp" from your search.



The GreenComp community co-designed this resource library starting from the suggestion of a community member. We met to discuss and identify the key elements composing a learning scenarios in May 2024. Following up on the conversations, we developed a prototype with the intention to launch the library by the end of this year and having it embedded in the community. 

Before summer, we launched a call to collect learning scenarios across Europe; and we delineated key requirements to allow for a better curation after the collection of good practices. After summer, we curated the submissions to increase the search function. 

It is now time for all community members to enjoy this resource and get inspired!

Now what?

  • Discover the learning scenarios and engage to use them in your working life; and
  • Register to the Education for Climate Day 2024 to discover three learning scenarios included in this library.

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