Climate Change Reports is the title of an eTwinning project that was developed by 2 classes of 12-year-old students from France and Spain (IES Felipe II in Mazarrón and Collège Marais de Villiers in Montreuil) during the school year 2020-21.
We see climate change as the biggest challenge facing our generation, so we set up a project to highlight the current and future consequences of not considering its implications and acting now. The multimedia world is universal nowadays, so we wanted to use that language to present student-created reports on the negative effects of climate change to help raise awareness in society.
We decided to do this through an eTwinning project, because it combines the use of a secure educational platform, it allows the use of ICT and we work with a school in another European country, giving it an international dimension, showing the universality of the effects of climate change, which affect a medium-sized town in the southeast of Spain (Mazarrón) as well as a big city like Paris. The participating schools are located in these places, and it has been carried out from the subject of English, using this language in all the activities, but it transcends the subject, being cross-curricular.
Link to project blog:
The work process has been as follows:
During the first term, the pupils introduced themselves on a multimedia poster with a world map, and pointed out and briefly mentioned a place affected by climate change, to begin to get to know each other and visualize the universality of the problem. We then held a logo competition among the students to represent the project, so that the image is associated with our work. We also carried out an initial questionnaire to find out the students' level of knowledge of the issue and to be able to adapt it to the project.…
Initial students’ survey results
During the second term we set up a series of online coordination meetings between teachers to define procedures and the following activities. The first of these would be a videoconference between the two schools, where pupils got to know each other, and talked about themselves, their schools, and climate change in an informal setting.…
Videoconference between students
Afterwards we created an online digital escape room, forming mixed international groups and playing simultaneously. Teamwork, problem solving and communication in English with the theme of climate change in the background.
Link to the video introduction of the Escape Room:…
Online breakout
The following activities were intended for students to learn about climate change from knowledgeable people of some relevance, and to practise selecting information to ask questions in interviews and to summarize their content. The first interviewee was Cayetano Gutiérrez, professor of physics and chemistry and writer, author of the book "Climate change, the giant that threatens the earth". The second interviewee was Pablo Gutiérrez Ros, PhD in marine sciences, environmentalist and author of the book "Argonautas: peripecias modernas entre el océano y el cambio climático" (Argonauts: modern adventures between the ocean and climate change). Both gave an online presentation with subsequent questions from the students.…
Talk with Pablo Rodríguez Ros
The last activity of the second term was a mid-term assessment, a quiz on climate change, to evaluate their level of content acquisition so far.
We started the third term by forming 6 international mixed groups, and each group was assigned a destructive phenomenon related to climate change (heat waves, cold waves, floods, hurricanes, droughts and forest fires). On the project's online platform (Twinspace), pupils in each group could research and select information to create a report on the event for a TV programme, with a presenter reporting on the event and two interviews about the event. The students have compiled the information and finished the dialogues and other information for the reports, and we recorded the video reports about these 6 destructive phenomena.…
Shooting the reports…
Final reports in video
Hi Isidoro! Thank you for your post! Could it be that you didn't yet complete the survey? (I don't find it but it might be me of course)
For more, see also…
Hi, I sent it yesterday, but I have done it again, in case there was a technical problem.
Bear with me. My bad… I have it indeed! Friday afternoon ;-)
Thank you, good weekend to you
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