Calling for volunteers to play with us! European Atlas of the Seas game

Susanne SZKOLA

Let's co-create the community's own educational map around climate change & environmental sustainability in the European Atlas of the Seas to be re-used in classrooms and educational activities - with a game.


Our "Be a scientist! Mapping climate change at seas & coast" challenge invites students & teachers anywhere with their neighbourhoods and networks to become marine scientists and geographers together with us! 

This workshop kicks off our particpatory community challenge on the European Atlas of the Seas to participate in and get to experience sience & research from behind its scenes!



We invite you to a classroom challenge to immerse youselves in the Atlas! 

Learn how to navigate European seas and win a boat race!

We are looking for teachers as volunteers who would love taking their classroom on a wild science ride on 21st of June.

ARE YOU IN? Then enroll to this event under the conditions that you :

  • are able to join this preparation workshop/ willing to prepare based on the recording
  • willing to enter the boat race challenge on 21st of June in the morning with your class 


In this preparation workshop we

  • explain how the game works and discover the maps on which you'll play 
  • outline what you need to prepare and which instructions will help you   
  • provide the opportunity to test the experience (incl. technical details)    
  • answer any questions you might have



You are not able to join this workshop but more than eager to prepare and join the classroom boat race challenge on 21st of June?

Please comment underneath or CONTACT US.

We'll do our best to accomodate you. 


event will be recorded

Comments (15)

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA

François Jourde : it is accessible for secondary, but also upper primary IF the teacher is able to guide the pupils in class (from English instruction > local instruction) | good internet connection is also needed.

> We'll be covering all this in this prep workshop with our hosts from the European Atlas of the Seas (Nathalie Van Isacker & Chantal VANHOVE ) , so join us on June 10 and ask away :)


Hi Susanne, this is interesting activity and our school (Platon) will join- can you let me know age os students/pupils targeted?

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA

Anestis PAPADOPOULOS , happy to read you here with this message!

As above, it is accessible for secondary, but also upper primary IF the teacher is able to guide the pupils in class (from English instruction > local instruction) | good internet connection is also needed.

> We'll be covering all this in this prep workshop with our hosts from the European Atlas of the Seas (Nathalie Van Isacker & Chantal VANHOVE ), so join us on June 10 and ask away :)

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA

of interest to everybody engaged around SDG06 - murat Kucukgirgin Merzide ÇAKIR Esmanur TÖGEL ÇİL Monica EDWARDS-SCHACHTER Leonardo PICCINETTI ion DOGEANU Çelebi KALKAN Sevtaç DENİZ Isabel Tomás Aysun Odabaşı GIOVANNA LANDI MARGARITA DAKORONIA MÜJGAN YALÇIN ADEVİYE ERTÜRK PAOLO FAIOLA Brigitte LUNDIN nicole BRUTTOMESSO NADIA CIRCU Githinji Kamotho Claudia Lindner Emmanuelle Mouls Rakibe Külcür Peter Gringinger Daithi O MURCHU Alice Dalle Julien Dossier Iva Naranđa Roberta Bellini Thijs Struijk

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA

of interest to everybody engaged around SDG14 - Hasan YILDIRIM Çelebi KALKAN Tim Collart Aysun Odabaşı songül yaralı PAOLO FAIOLA Selvaggia Santin David Crookall Brigitte LUNDIN nicole BRUTTOMESSO NADIA CIRCU Kamil KUŞKAPAN Githinji Kamotho Emmanuelle Mouls Alan Hesse Daithi O MURCHU Julien Dossier Evy COPEJANS Thijs Struijk

Ayşegül Usta
Ayşegül Usta

Dear Susanne,We are looking forward to it. Schools in Turkey will go on summer vacation on June 17, but can we run the online competition with willing students?

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA

Ayşegül Usta - yes, absolutely! Looking forward to seeing you on Friday for the preparations and to having the opportunity to answer any other upcoming questions :-)

Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell
Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell

Dear Susanne. Thank you for organizing this amazing event. I have enrolled yet. Do you send us the Webex link to connect on Friday?

Sara Gómez
Sara Gómez

Dear Susanne. This event sounds really inspiring. Unfortunately, our students don't have any more regular classes and we won't be able to participate. Do you think this event will take place again in the near future? Thanks in advance

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA

Dear Sara Gómez - the game will certainly take place again in the future: even on the community's own map!

That's the next step in this challenge after getting to know the Atlas whilst playing: playfully collecting local data together with students to come up with our own map to be re-used.

We will record today's session with all info for all to check :-)

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