Community involvement and collaborative decision-making are crucial to shape the future together. The recent voting on the EducationForClimate Coalition's 2024 community priorities is an example of such a collective exercise that counts.
After having now consolidated the voting of community members and the December consultation with our Advisory Group on this topic, we are happy to share the priorities that will shape our actions and challenges in the coming year.
Good news: they are all aligned with our 5 co-defined overarching goals!
Check out each priority and how you can benefit from and contribute to its development in the following overview.
1. Teacher Training: Empowering Educators
Topping the list is the pivotal role of teacher training. Recognizing that educators are at the frontline of shaping future generations, our community has prioritized enhancing pedagogical approaches, boosting learners engagement, and developing robust monitoring systems. This decision underscores a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of education and the critical role teachers play in this process.
How can you benefit and contribute?
The Coalition's quest is to curate good practice examples via our annual call for inspiring green education initiatives as well as providing community-sourced resources on the platform.
2024 Call for Inspiring Green Education Actions
Community-sourced Climate Education Topics
Job Board and Mentoring Scheme
2. Green Competences: Cultivating Green Learning
Secondly, the community has shown a strong inclination towards developing and implementing green competences. This involves equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to live sustainably.
How can you benefit and contribute?
The Coalition's quest is to enhance and sustain the GreenComp community - the Coalition's space to help learners build competences for a sustainable future.
Learning Scenarios for Green Competences
Assessment Tools for Green Competences
Digital Version of GreenComp Framework
Sustainability Conversations: the GreenComp game
Particularly, check out the central ambition this year: building learning scenarios.
3. Youth: Building a Sustainable Future
The third priority, focusing on youth, highlights the importance of engaging young people in green and education areas, from sustainable exchanges to policy discussions.
This selected priority resonates with the Coalition's baseline to empower the younger generations in every community activity and event.
How can you benefit and contribute?
The Coalition's Youth Group offers a convening and co-working space for young community members who want to engage with their peers on climate education and related activities.
As one of the group's main activities, the Youth Climate Lab takes up another priority that has been highlited as curcial: "How to approach AI and climate change in learning communities?"
The Youth Climate Lab on AI and Climate Change
4. Greening Schools: A Holistic Approach
The community also voted for the greening of schools, encompassing not just the educational institutions but also the surrounding neighbourhoods and playgrounds. This initiative extends into the concept of smart cities, envisioning an integrated approach where educational spaces are intertwined with the community's ecological and sustainability goals.
How can you benefit and contribute?
The Coalition has started work on this via the call together with the New European Bauhaus on "Transforming Places of Learning", as also featured during the 2023 Education Summit together with community members.
Climate Pact Photo Competition
Climate Pact Group Activity for Schools and Communities
5. Climate Resilience: Preparing for the Future
Lastly, the focus on climate resilience, including disaster preparedness and climate justice, reflects a proactive stance towards the increasing challenges posed by climate change. This priority is about ensuring that communities are not only prepared to face environmental disasters but are also actively working towards equitable solutions that address the broader aspects of climate justice.
How can you benefit and contribute?
Policy Forum 2024 and its 3 community labs
Education For Climate Day 2024 with its related Call
Moving Forward
The outcomes of this voting process are not just a set of priorities but a roadmap for our community's journey towards a more sustainable, educated, and resilient future.
Each of these priorities interconnects with the others, creating a guidance for action that we will be able to take up throughout the year together. As educators, learners, stakeholders, scientists, policymakers and anybody interested alike. Across all learning levels and fields of experience.
Check out each priority and how you can benefit from and contribute to its development in the above overview.
join the Coalition's cafés for in-depth conversations around them
As we embark on this journey, it's inspiring to see such a strong commitment from our community members, coordinators, advisors and mentors towards these crucial areas.
Let's work together to turn these priorities into realities for a a greener tomorrow.
Wow, all that sounds wonderful. Thank you so much, Susanne SZKOLA .
May I take this opportunity to remind members that you are invited to contribute to a #special #issue of the @European Geoscience Union (EGU) journal '#Geoscience #Communication' on the theme of climate & ocean education & communication.
The #CfP is available here:
Please share this widely. Thank you.
You may be in touch with me directly to discuss: at gmail.
Preprints for special issue of the EGU journal Geoscience Communication (GC) on
climate & ocean education & communication.
A preprint is a manuscript (ms) that is under review and being considered for publication. You are also invited to offer your comments on the ms (eg, ideas, criticism, praise, suggestions, thoughts ), but please be respectful. See links below.
Climate READY: A three-semester youth empowerment program…
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