Community Bulletin May 2024

Tremeur DENIGOT • 29 May 2024

In the spotlight 

Discover the Digital version of the GreenComp Framework

You can now have access to a digital and interactive version of the GreenComp framework, the European sustainability competence framework. 

It will improve your learning experience to discover the 12 competences of the framework organised into four 'areas': embodying sustainability values, embracing complexity in sustainability, envisioning sustainable futures, and acting for sustainability.

You can navigate through the framework by clicking on the arrows at the bottom of your screen or playing with the table of contents (see right column of your screen).

GreenComp Digital Version

Featured challenge 

Capture your climate action with the Climate Pact’s photo competition!

Participate in the European Climate Pact photo competition to get recognition as a climate champion! 

Capture your efforts or actions that make your life, home or city more climate-positive (deadline Friday 28 June 2024).

More information

Upcoming events

Community Café- Update on the UNESCO Greening Education Partnership - 19 June

Come to learn about the newly launched Greening Curriculum Guidance and Green School Quality Standard, led by UNESCO as its contribution to the Greening Education Partnership

The discussion will focus on how to accelerate action towards global target of half of the schools in each country greened and 90% of national curriculum greened by 2030.


Note that as always, you can rewatch the presentation of the past community Cafés. 

Rewatch the May Café on the JRC SciArt project, exploring the intersections between art and science.

GreenComp community 

GreenComp café - Let's talk about assessment tools – 12 June

This café will resume the conversation started during the first annual gathering of the GreenComp community around assessment tools.

It is now time to meet and reflect on the suggestions raised during the café and move forward as a community.


Education for Climate TALKS of the month

The Climate Action Project, finding the right balance between head, heart and hands ft. Koen Timmers

Koen Timmers, executive director of the non-profit Take Action Global (TAG) share with us the objectives and details of some of his initiatives, such as The Climate Action Project founded that involves 4,600,000 students across 160 countries (!) or the ‘Coding for the Climate” project that combines digital with sustainability. 

Koen believes education systems should find the right balance between the 3 H’s: head, heart and hands. Don’t you agree with him? 

Watch the TALK

What does the new Eurydice report on “Learning for sustainability in Europe” tell us? ft. Ulrike Pisiotis and Anna Horvath

Learn about the new Eurydice report on “Learning for sustainability in Europe - Building competences and supporting teachers and schools” that has just been released.

That report examines how European countries integrate learning for sustainability in teaching and school life in 39 education systems.

Watch the TALK

Community posts of the month 

2023 European State of Climate Report

Explore the European State of the Climate Report published by the EU Copernicus Climate Change Service.

More information

Exhibition "Waterstories"

Nice exhibition coming on  “Waterstories” at the "House of City History" in Heusenstamm, taking place from June 8 to June 16, 2024.

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Sustainability is our goal!

A group of students has joined Erasmus Mobility in Romania to discover Sustainability in the school and the city where they live. Here is their visual report shared by their teacher.

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Badges ouverts

Quelqu'un aurait-il des exemples d'utilisation de badges ouverts (open badges) en France pour reconnaître les compétences en développement durable à l'école ou au supérieur ?

Access the discussion

Engager la formation dans la transition écologique, perspectives internationales

L’académie de Lyon organise un ambitieux séminaire international intitulé « Engager la formation dans la transition écologique, perspectives internationales », qui se tiendra à l’Université Lyon 2 les 6 juin le 7 juin 2024.

More information


Find here an overview of ongoing calls for participation in the community. it is updated regularly.

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