Once you are active on the platform, we would like to recognize your community efforts. Read here about community badges and certificates.
Your efforts in the following areas will be highlighted on the platform via profile badges and you will be able to download individual certificates for each.
Community Structures
Community Co-Designer
A community member who contributed to the co-design and development of the Coalition.
Advisory Group Member
A community member who is/ was part of the Advisory Group providing guidance to the Education for Climate Secretariat.
Country Group Coordinator
A community member who coordinates and leads activities within a specific European Education Area country.
EU Green Education Agora
A community member from within the Institutions collaborating with the Coalition.
Coalition Secretariat
The community managers from the European Commission responsible for managing and coordinating the activities of the Coalition.
Community Connections
Community Companion
A community member who provides support and encouragement to others in the community, sharing the community spirit.
Gathering Participant
A community member who attends community gatherings, like Q&As or cafés for example.
Policy Forum Participant
A community member who participates in the annual green education policy & practice discussions and debates.
Policy Forum Panellist
A community member who is featuring as a panelist in the annual green education policy & practice discussions and debates.
Education for Climate Day Participant
A community member who participates in the annual community flagship gathering.
Education for Climate Day Panellist
A community member who is featuring as a panelist in the annual community flagship gathering.
Youth Climate Lab Participant
A community member who participates in activities related to youth-led climate action via the Coalition's Youth Climate Lab.
GreenComp Community Contributor
A community member who is involved in the GreenComp initiative, a coalition sub-community of people and organisations building on the European sustainability competence framework to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to live, work and act sustainably.
Community Roles
Challenge Co-Facilitator
A community member who helps facilitate a community challenges.
Challenge Participant
A community member who participates in a community challenge.
Community Mentor
A community member who provides guidance and support to others in the community within a dedicated area (via shadowing for example).
Expert/ Scientist
A community member who has dedicated expertise in a specific field and shares their knowledge with the community.
Peer Reviewer
A community member who provides feedback and constructive criticism on community projects and initiatives, particularly co-design outcomes.
Community Information
Talk Interviewee
A community member who is interviewed for an Education for Climate TALK, providing inspirational testimony.
Community Praise
Highlights a community member's activity or content as cherished and as particularly valuable by the community.
Call Highlight
Highlights the selected projects of the annual call for inspirational green education projects across the EU-27.
Good Practice
Highlights a successful community initiative or practice that is shared with others as an example to follow.