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In the Experimentarium: 2. Ideation

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA • 26 October 2021

We now know better who wants to work together on the participatory challenge and how this is going to happen. Let’s jump into the creative part! 


  • As facilitator, start by good example: outline again the expectations regarding your challenge ambition and enter an initial idea, suggestion, or good practice illustration to motivate challenge group to come in to do the same!  

  • Be clear about how long it will be possible to contribute 

  • As challenge core group, this is your time to be playfully open to new ideas! 

bring in ideas, suggestions, recommendations, concrete situations, examples, etc. to develop answers for your challenge ambition 

  • Motivate your peers to generate ideas

ping with updates, ask for concretizations, bridge their interests if you see some emerging 

monitor other participatory challenges to identify fruitful overlaps to bring in ideas that could be beneficial   

browse people to search for the ones that could be interested in joining your challenge – invite them 

share your challenge in social media to make noise 

  • As facilitator, post a challenge ideation update for the community with a summary of what came out of the ideation process