Book page

The Challenge Incubator

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA • 26 October 2021

UNLOCK the community’s potential 

This is your space to start, join or follow a discussion around any education for sustainability matter. Ask for help, get support, or offer contributions around your or the others’ entries – and find inspiration and drive for a joint development in there. 

  • Has your entry gained community traction? 

  • Have you commonly identified an education for climate content/activity idea or problem leading to a set goal, i.e., a tangible education for climate output?  

  • Does your potential challenge relate to one of the 5 Coalition priorities? 

  • Does it cover an UN SDG/ sustainability domain? 

  • Have you already found community members beyond your own entity that would like to participate in this endeavour – a more impactful and facilitated ideation process (the challenge core group)? 

Then the Education for Climate Secretariat will set up a participatory challenge for you.   


For this, we need the following from you, the challenge facilitators: 

  • What’s the name of your challenge?  

Try to formulate it as an ambition – this is what others will see first 

What is the challenge that you want to address or the problem that you want to solve? 

  • What is the challenge about? 

Prepare a short introduction to explain your ambition – this is your ‘challenge about’ in ~ 200 words 

Tell a story about: What and whom do you address with this? Why does it matter? How would you like to go about it? And whom do you want to reach out to for collaboration?  

  • Can you make it visual for others?  

Have an image at hand that represents an aspect of your challenge – this is your ‘challenge banner’ 

  • Make sure that everything stays in English to make it accessible to others 

  • Make sure that you tag the challenge content properly with as much information as possible 

  • Already start thinking about the following challenge experimentarium flow and what you will need to consider!