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What can you expect?

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA • 26 October 2021

Take your peers on a quest to make your ideas a reality, address the challenges you are sitting with or implement newly found solutions! 

  • Have you ever wondered which other education for climate initiatives are out there? What other people are working on and what competencies they support? 

  • Have you ever sought to get other perspectives, insights, and experiences for your education for climate challenges? Or wondered how to exchange on your education for climate solution? 

  • Have you ever wanted to brainstorm new creative approaches towards a common education for climate challenge? Bring forward ideas how to advance a certain education activity, material, or framework? 

  • Have you ever needed innovative materials for education for climate? Or dreamed about developing your materials with others â€“ to reshape them into other forms, for other audiences, for another purpose? Or wanted to multiply what you have come up with already?  

How does it work on the platform?