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In the Experimentarium: 3. Selection and structuration

The previous ideation phase generated quite some nice ideas for your challenge ambition. Actually too many, so you need to find consensus on which you would like to invest your participatory energy in. Okay, let’s get this going! 


  • First, let’s select: reconvene the challenge group to have a common touchpoint on which ideas to select/focus on/explore more deeply from now on.   

set up a participatory challenge event 

co-decide which form and style the idea outcome(s) shall take 

Maybe there are some additional ideas that could generate or are worth a separate participatory challenge? Then play those ideas back to the challenge incubator! 

  • Second, let’s structure: re-assess and set your challenge timeframe for co-working and set intermediate check points – maybe some smaller parts of your challenge group want/need to re-convene in another rhythm in addition   

Reflect this in your challenge phase timings 

  • Third, let’s provide a collaboration heads-up: post a challenge update for the community with a summary of what you have decided to focus your co-working efforts on.  

Describe what led your group to choose these specific ideas to develop further and outline how you envisage to shape your dedicated action outcome.