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In the Experimentarium: 5. Co-validation

Susanne SZKOLA
Susanne SZKOLA • 26 October 2021

Wow, you have achieved something great together! Once your tangible education for climate output passes the following co-validation requirements, it becomes part of the knowledge library. Let’s test together! 


What will be evaluated? 

Well-defined structural elements 

  • Accessible abstract – max 250 words + 5 keywords 

  • includes learning outcomes/ action goals 

  • lists target audiences 

  • mentions content language 

  • includes correct references 

  • data/ information/ process is replicable/ reproducible* 

  • provides all necessary material in one 

  • respects Creative Commons:    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0  

Well-shaped process elements 

  • How easy, well and flexible to teach, apply, adapt, use in different contexts and take action on is the outcome? 

  • How much interactivity and participatory elements does it foresee? Are they well described? 

  • How well is the story about the education for sustainability action told to motivate content usage?

This will be compiled into and overall recommendation

strong very well justified actionable without reservation
reliable generally justified actionable with limitations
potentially informative not strongly justified, but may yield insights not actionable, unless the weaknesses are clearly understood and there is way to further support/ improve it 
not informative not substantially justified not actionable
misleading not at all justified misguiding


How will it be evaluated? 

  • In the framework of an extended peer community, Education for Climate peer reviewers act as either subject, practice, or experience matter experts to ensure the quality of participatory challenge outcomes. about

  • The pool of reviewers is to be consulted by the challenge facilitators when being at the stage of co-validating the participatory challenge outcome to select and reach out to potential co-validators fitting the participatory challenge scope from various perspectives. 

  • The Education for Climate Secretariat will  

co-confirm that these choices are neutral – i.e. no reviewers from within the participatory challenge – and apt

support potential additional reviewers (like an aspired call for scientists)  

coordinate an agreeable review deadline with all involved

  • It is an open review: reviews will be directly posted in the participatory challenge by assigned reviewers under ‘co-validation review’ topic 

  • The Education for Climate Secretariate will collate and review these co-validations and will confirm in the challenge group if the content moves to the knowledge library.  

  • As challenge facilitator make sure to celebrate your challenge group effort:  

update everybody 

meet to see if there is hunger for more action